Alex the Lion

Alex's costume consisted of a jumpsuit with faux fur and a tail!
His headpiece was made out of ultra light closed cell foam

I began the headpiece by using some of the same pattern that was used for the Fossa heads.  The pattern pieces (head pieces and 3 mane sections) were cut out of closed cell foam and glued together using contact cement.
Hard edges were softened by grinding down the foam with a Dremel Moto tool,
and all seams were filled in with calk.  The whole piece was then sprayed with 6 coats of yellow Plastidip.

After the Plastidip was dry, the head was covered in plastic and the mane was spray painted brown and then highlighted with different metallic acrylic paints.  The rest of the head was painted in brown and gold tones to better match the costume fabric.  Fine details were then painted on including eyes, ears, mouth, etc..
A chin strap was added to help secure the headpiece during performance.

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