Paper Maché is a fun and versatile art form.  ​Depending on how it's made and cared for, paper maché can last for over a hundred years!  My how-to videos will show you step by step how to create things like masks and headpieces.  However, you can use these techniques to create just about anything your imagination can dream up.  I also have related how-to videos for
making Paper Maché Clay and silicone molds.

Oh the Artfulness of it all...

Any supplies or materials you need to do costuming or sewing can be found in my Art Supply Store.

How to Do Paper Maché for BeginnersHow to Do Paper MachéJust learning or need a refresher on
how to do paper maché?  Click on
the picture for a step by step how-to video.

How to Do Plaster Wrap
Plaster WrapPlaster wrap is the ideal material to
use when you want your paper maché
item to have extra strength and durability.
Click on the picture for a step by step video
that shows you how to do plaster wrap.

How to Make Paper Maché Clay
Paper Mache clayPaper Maché Clay is a fantastic material to use
when doing any kind of paper maché project.  It's perfect
for doing all kinds of fine features on your PM art.
Click on the picture for a step by step video on how to make it.

How to Use Paper Maché Clay
Paper Mache ClayYou've learned how to make paper maché clay,
so what can you do with it?  Click on the picture to see
a video tutorial on how to use this versatile material.

Generic Sculpting Armature
Generic Sculpting ArmatureIt's nice to have different armatures for sculpting.
Click on the picture for a step by step video that
shows you how to make a generic sculpting armature
that's great for making masks.

Making a Silicone Mould
Silicone MouldNeed to duplicate a mask or other object?
Click on the picture for a step by step video
to show you how, and a materials list for what you'll need.

If you watched any of the how-to videos or found any of the information on this site helpful, please consider making a donation to help keep the site going.


Do you have a comment or question?  Or perhaps you'd like to share one of your paper maché ideas, designs or how-to techniques that my other readers could use?   Send it to me below, and don't forget to upload a picture or video so we can see your Artfulness!

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