Simba Adult Headpiece

Lion Simba

What You'll Need

WED Clay (EM-217 clay) to sculpt the mask/headpiece
Sculpting tools
Plaster Wrap
Non-stick cooking spray
Scott Shop towels (blue)
Foam Wig Head or sculpting head armature
Paper Maché supplies: flour, water, scissors, mixing bowl
Paper Mache Clay, here's the video on how to make it
White glue (like Elmer’s)
Hot glue gun
Decorative beads

Dremel Moto Tool or a drill
Goop adhesive
Acrylic Paints
Small paint brushes
Xacto knife
Matte Varnish
Baseball cap and related supplies.  Here’s the how-to video to secure the mask to your head

(Click on the link below to watch the video)

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